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Artikel tentang Silabmed

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In the Know: How to Respond to LIMS Objections

As a lab manager, you probably already know how much a comprehensive LIMS can help your laboratory to thrive. But what if senior management has some push back? No fear, here’s everything you need to know to get around those pesky objections and implement the best LIMS for your lab.

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How Cloud-Based LIMS Technology Can Upgrade Your Lab

As a lab manager, it can be a challenge to make sure that the software you invest in provides you with optimal outputs. Integrated on-premise software can provide your staff with the necessary tools they need, but over time can become sluggish and expensive to keep up with developing needs.

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Silabmed 6.0 Press Release

Silabmed, the revolutionary laboratory information management system (LIMS), has unveiled its newest product update, which aims to make laboratories more efficient than ever.

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The Complete Guide to LIMS

In research and testing facilities, manufacturing processes management is key to ensuring facilities run at optimum efficiency and capacity, so it’s important to have a management system that produces these outcomes.

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Choosing the right LIMS for you

An LIMS is essentially software that allows you to access and manage all areas of your laboratory from one place. This could include research & development, inventory auditing and sales management.

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